My presentation

Transcendental Awesumitude by dospaz at

What makes a great presentation? Why are some presenters more engaging than others? We will begin to explore these questions with this project. Below you will find the steps and examples each component of the project. Your blog post should have each of these sections with the required images or links and text. Be sure to check your spelling and grammar!

Creating and Formatting The Blog Post Overview Video

Step 1 – Summary of Project

I made a project about what makes a good presentation. It took abut two weeks to fully complete this project. If you decide to keep reading you will lean what makes a good presentation step by step

Step 2 – What is Good Presentation

A good presentation is one that has more pictures that words. Evidence shows that more people are drawn to pictures instead of three to four bullet points on each slide. So what you need to make a good presentation is a lot of one to two word slides. For example,  If you say on your slide “I like dogs” you can have have a picture of one on your slide. The more slides the better.

Step 3 – Brainwriting and Brainstorming Ideas

Brainwighting is when you make a diagram of a topic and branch things out. For example, let’s say the main topic is sports from there you say the different kinds of sports like team sports. From there you say the different kind of team sports like baseball.

Step 4 – Creating the Storyboard

Next create a storyboard. What you do is step away from the computer and take out a blank peace of paper. Then fold the paper as many times as you want. After that make the slide show on the peace of paper with one to two words on each slide. You want to make it so someone else can make the slide show on the computer. If you want a picture just simply say in the box “picture of” and whatever you want the picture of  EXAMPLE: 

Step 5 – Gathering and Citing Images

The pest way to get images fast is to go to From there you can search the site for the picture of whatever. After you select the picture of your choice, click the download button. Select the size and drag it to the desktop. After that drag the picture to the side from the desktop to the slide. Once you have done all of that. you need to cite them in MLA format by typing the name of the person who took the photo, the name of the photo, and the day it was downloaded. Make sure they are in alphabetical order when you site them.

EXAMPLE: Photographer_name. Name_of Picture. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2017.

Step 6 – Creating the Master Slide

To edit that master slide click the slide button then click master. From there go to the 3rd slide down and edit it to a one box centered slide.


Step 7 – Building the Slide Show

Copy whatever you have down on your storyboard. Each box is one slide. to insert the pictures into the slide show drag the image from the desktop into the appropriate slide.


Step 8 – Sharing the Slide Show

To upload your slide show you have to have a linkedin account. Once you have done that download your slide show to your desktop. Then go to and sign in with your likedin account. Then drag the presentation from the desktop to the upload box.

Step 9 – Preparing to Present/Pitch

A good voice makes a better presentation, that’s just how it is. That dose not  mean you have to shout across the room. One thing to do before you present stand in a room for 2 minutes and stand in a wonder women pose. You gan confidence by doing this and will make you less nerves.

Step 10 – What I Learned

I have learned a lot from these past two weeks like creating the storyboard and stepping away from the computer.

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