Film – Week 8 – Screenwriting

“Ali film script” by Zadi Diaz is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“You can’t fix a bad script after you start shooting. The problems on the page only get bigger as they move to the big screen.” – Howard Hawks


  • This week has had it’s ups and downs, but for the most part it’s been pretty good. I still need to catch up on some work but I will get there. This blog post was interesting and has taught me the basics of what goes on behind the scenes of making a film.



Image from

So basically we looked at a couple of articles and watched a couple of videos on the history of film how the steps to follow when making a film.


  • So I feel like this year has gone by super fast and I’ve noticed that the older I get, the school years feel shorter. School, homework and baseball practice have really contributed to that I think. For the most part, the weekends have felt pretty long main because of the homework I do and the football. I’ve also been watching some movies here and there. Last weekend I watch one of my favorite movies “Dazed and Confused”. This online school thing has definitely been a different learning experience that i would say I’m a fan of. I’ve started to appreciate school and how I’ve noticed that school is one of those things that you hate but miss once it’s gone. It hurts a little bit more because I am a senior which is something that have looked forward for a long time now. I’ve also realized that I don’t work that well at home and would much rather learn in a classroom setting. Whelp, timers up.


  • The life of a top high school football player
  • A bet running away and finds it’s way home
  • The college lifestyle
  • A band going on tour
  • Your car get broken into and you try and find the criminal
  • Someone escapes jail
  • A journey through space or ocean


    • It was definitely an interesting video and I’m glad I watched it.


  • I’ve learned that I need to limit distractions like constantly looking at my fantasy football team. I’ve also learned that I need background noise in order to keep focus and get work done. Another thing I learned is that having a monitor helps me stay focused for some reason.



Recipe For Success: Lebron James



Image from

Born: December 30, 1984, in Akron, Ohio

Personal Success Definition

I define success as someone who is great at what they do, but can also give back to others all around the world

Lebron James has had a great basketball career but he has also had a great off the hardwood. He has helped kids in is hometown to give them opportunities that would have helped him as a kid and has also founding schools in Akron.

Skills for Success

Lebron James is a 1) Incredible athlete, 2) smart businessman and a 3) social justice activist.

How They Used These Skills

UNINTERRUPTED - UNINTERRUPTED updated their cover photo. | Facebook

Lebron James used his incredible athletic ability to make a name for himself in the world of basketball and NBA. This led him to sign major deals with Nike and other big name brands. He also created a marketing agency from this help of his friends and Uninterrupted which is athlete empowerment based around social justice and that all athletes have a voice off the field/court.   

Significant Work

LeBron bankrolls I Promise School in Ohio

The I Promise School opened in 2018 in Akron Ohio is a public elementary school aimed at at-rick children
